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Saratoga,Lake George,Glens Falls,Group Outings & Tournaments
Airway Meadows G.C. offers professionally run groups outings, corporate outings and charity golf tournaments.
You will find the value added packages both helpful and competitive in price. References are available that
you may call for feed back before you book a tournament here. We have developed a guide for the newcomer
entitled "Simple Steps in Running a Golf Tournament" to get you started which we can provide upon request.
Our course is close to Saratoga and Lake George area and
offers a shotgun start to groups with 40 or more
golfers. Airway takes on the responsibility of foursome organization, golf car line up, and placement of name cards on carts
with starting hole assignments. The Airway Meadows staff offers to run check-in & provide information to
the golfers at registration, handle no shows and assist
with the reorganization of the line up and make announcements. Rangers lead
out the players in an organized fashion. There is always Rangers on the course during play to assist
around the course. We offer to do scoring for you, run all competition pins out to the course and
return them to the scorekeeper, prepare a player note for everyone attending with
schedule for the day, and do the
entire food and drink services. Airway Meadows Golf Club can accommodate groups of up to 150 under our Tournament Tent shown in the photograph
on this page. During most of the golf season dining will be comfortable and most enjoyable outside. When it is
colder or if the group desires, inside seating is available in our Clubhouse Tavern
for up to 65 people.
Continental Breakfast selections are available, as well
as lunch on the turn, appetizers, picnic lunches, BBQ
Dinners & Buffets and Desserts. We will be happy to mail
you a Tournament Menu upon request. Lunch on the
turn packages are available in seven (7) combinations.
They range from hotdogs and soda to sausage and peppers
and sandwiches.
BBQ Picnics and BBQ Dinners are also available for service under the Tournament Tent. Picnics range from Light Tournament
Picnic of Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Salads and Soda for to Sausage, peppers and onions with hamburgers, hotdogs, salads
and Soda for. Dinner BBQ's are available offering Smoked Kielbasa, Chicken dinners, Hot and Cold Buffets, Chicken &
Steak to Prime Rib. Fifteen different dinner BBQ's are available. Our goal is to please your guests with our food and service.
Each dinner is served with two or three dishes you select, such as salads, baked potatoes, or corn on the cob
in season rolls and fountain soda.
Our Clubhouse Tavern full service bar is always open during outings/tournaments. We can include in your dinner
pitchers of draft beer and/or coffee upon request.
Group Outings are quoted on an individual basis so as to
meet your needs. Special arrangements can be made for
charity events. Please telephone us at 518-792-4144 so
that we discuss your expectations.
Testimonial May 14 , 2011
Joan: today's outing at Airway Meadows could not have been better!
All twenty people involved had a great time, were very pleased with
the condition of the course, and all commented positively on the
professional, courteous and efficient nature of your staff. Please
thank them on behalf of St. Paul's. And I thank you again for all
you did to make this day such a positive experience. Your
efforts made my part easy. Thank you. Tony Komon, Clifton Park, NY
Testimonial March 19, 2012
".... I want you to know that your team of employees were
professional and provided excellent service during last year's event"
(100 golfer tournament) Nadine Jones, HRCCU, Corinth, NY
Testimonial July 2015
"On behalf of the Wilton Rotary Club thank you for your generous
support of our 10th Annual Wilton Rotary Golf Classic with the donation
of the auction items. A total of $14,000 was raised for various
charitable causes. Thank you also for all of the behind-the-scenes help
you, Pro Shop Manager Kevin and the rest of your staff provide every
year. You guys are the best! Thank you again for making this year's
tournament such a success, and we look forward to doing it again next